Protection of Privacy and Personal Data in Albania
The Protection of Personal Data became an important issue for the Albanian citizens. The new era of the protection of personal data through administrative claims started after 2008. This brought up sensitive issues like unauthorised legal processing of data on media and online portals, e-mail lack of personal data security, online data processing and online security etc. The sensibility of people increased when personal data were used for political or commercial benefits. During the COVID-19 pandemic period our lives were dominated by
technology as the only means of connecting with others or continuing our normal life in abnormal conditions. On one side, human rights were suffering the most powerful restrictions and on the other, technology was gaining position faster. This paper raises questions on the relation between the protection of dignity, honour and privacy of the persons as a democratic value and technological evolution. This paper aims to introduce the Albanian legislation on the protection of privacy and personal data, legal reforms and their adaptation to international law through case law and jurisprudence. Findings, suggest the need for an international global binding act, which would facilitate the process of exchanging information, reduce administrative barriers, and increase the connection and collaboration.